Weight Cycling

Placing alternating weights on the chest, chiefly known as Weight Cycling, is an effective method of communication while simultaneously serving as a conditioning mechanism for the body and the mind. These weights, primarily metaphysical, can be adjusted at the handles. These handles, experience, can emulate "looking back" - an effective simulation of the past, for the present.

As of 2025, Weight Cycling continues to be a niche activity. Typically associated with concrete failures, Weight Cycling also handles "counterfactuals" and "could-have-beens". Proponents of Weight Cycling consider the practice an essential tool for creatives and counter-creatives alike. Critics, on the other hand, oppose the self-compelling& convolutional nature of Weight Cycling. "An abominable ascetic exercise with no redeemable qualities."

I am a Weight Cycler. By my calculations, I have been a Weight Cycler since January 28, 2021, though I have been interested in the practice since at least 2019. Admittedly, Weight Cycling is not for everyone. It is always painful and the "could-have-beens" never re-materialize. Nevertheless, I adjust my weights daily.

Cycling, as I like to call it, doesn't really make the practitioner "stronger". The chest expands when weights are removed, but otherwise never generates any sort of force by itself. Neither are the arms engaged during adjustments - the backward turning of experience is sufficient to see the applied mass shift. For this reason, a princess is never impressed by the Weight Cycler by virtue of his being a Weight Cycler. Recall, this method is entirely metaphysical. Additionally, exactly because She is a princess, a princess will never hear Cycling.

A dense meta-material is needed for weight soaking (a Cycling prerequisite). Personally, I am partial to the sands of time, which can be found in any regulation hourglass on my side of the table - though I'm sure it can be found on the window/couch side as well. The reason the sands of time works so well is because the weight adjustments are per(cept|pet)ually aligned with hourglass rotations. This buys the author more time. More sand.

Someone asked me about a river. I told them "ebb& flow". As an expression of gratitude, they then took me to a nearby restaurant where I wept but saw the long river's beautiful renewal. I thought to myself that 80-odd years really is a long time. I spent the rest of the night imagining that I were dead.

Someone asked me again for 500 words on Weight Cycling. I'm nobody but Somebody can't see now that I've put a light to the issue at hand! So Someone and Somebody answer to nobody and I answer to them all. To be Frank for a moment, I tried to turn the hourglass upside down but all I got were tears from earlier. So, I'm not really sure what I was doing here.

This is really heavy. nobody could have been there but he was busy adjusting something that wasn't relevant anymore. So I Guess That's It.